The Sunday before Caleb and I left FL we had a family lunch at Rhonda's, or better known as Nana's house. Wendi (Daniel's cousin), his brother Jason, his sister Tara, and their families came out for the day. It was so nice to have almost everyone together for lunch and to let the cousins hang out and enjoy each other. Brody, Caleb, and Cale did really well throughout the day, and even though the day probably had its moments for everyone at some point, it was still nice to have that day and time together. Caleb and Brody received kites in their Easter baskets so after lunch we went to the beach to fly them and let the kids run and play. Caleb's kite went up right away, but Brody's was defected in some way. We came to that conclusion after a lot of trial and error. Either way, the boys didn't mind because the sand and water was to enticing for anything else to matter. We all had such a great time! Here are some pictures from around the house that day.
(of course none of them would all look in the same direction or smile at the same time.)
Nana with her three boys. This is the first time all three have been with her at the same time.
Caleb and Brody have not seen or been around each other hardly any. The last time they had seen one another had been quite a few months back and they played great then, but wasn't really sure of each other's boundaries. Anyways, the reason I'm writing that is to tell you this. The second Caleb found out Brody was coming, he wouldn't stop asking about him. He was asking when Brody would get there, or if Brody was coming yet, or if Brody was here yet (and where ever we are is where "here" is). He didn't understand "later on" so he asked every few minutes or so about "his" Brody. Well, Jason, Jenny, and Brody finally arrived and the boys instantly took to one another. Brody said, "Caleb" and Caleb said, "Brody" and they were off and started playing without missing a beat. They went straight outside and sat in the pool chairs and just talked to each other for a little bit and played. There were a few rough moments between the two of them (neither of them had really taken a nap that day) but overall they played amazingly well together. Caleb got a little pushy at times and of course each thing one had the other one wanted so there were a few "that's mine" disputes but not too many. As you'll see in the next few photos they're both doing the same thing. It's really cute and so funny how well they took to one another and kept each other company throughout the day. We had a ton of copy cat moments and luckily I was able to get a few pictures of them.
Monkey see...Monkey do...
Caleb's ideas:
Computer genius in the making
Brody's ideas:
This is when Brody got there and they decided to go outside and sit by the pool. They had found some balls and actually shared. Later they'd argue about what color each had, but in this picture they were behaving really well. :)
The following pictures were taken when we made it out to the beach later that afternoon.
The copy cat pictures are so cute!!