Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day 246: Monkeying Around

This morning Daniel left early to do training with the Marines, and Maddie and Caleb were up and going with little issues. They played well together until Caleb left for school. 

I had a busy day at work, but managed to get a few things crossed off my list. We have a lot going on, so it's always a full day for me. Daniel had a good and productive day, too. We took a small break for lunch at this great hotdog place and talked about our upcoming todo lists. 

When we got home the kids were playing. Caleb then got redirected to finish his homework and Maddie ate supper. The kiddos then played with Daniel and fought for his attention. 
They were all laughing pretty hard here. 

The evening went well. Daniel and Caleb discussed other languages and I gave Maddie a bath. 

We're looking forward to Friday. Goodnight!

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