Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 271: Busy Mondays

This morning Maddie came to our bed bright and early. She was upset that she had left a few princess behind, so she whined for those for a few minutes until falling back to sleep. 

We got up shortly after that and got ready for the day. It was chilly outside so we bundled and headed off to work and school. 

I spent the day digging myself out of emails and scheduling multiple meetings. Daniel was pretty much the same. It was nonstop. The day got away from us both and we worked a little later than we had planned. 

When we got home the kids were playing with Ms. Anna. She and Maddie were reading Mickey Mouse and Caleb was watching tv. We told Ms. Anna bye and then prepared a quick dinner. 
Maddie has been singing, "Let it go" from the movie "Frozen" lately. She loves to belt out certain parts of the song. Daniel found the video on YouTube and had her watch it. She then played it about ten more times. 
We all showered and then got to bed a little later than normal. Hopefully, we'll feel better tomorrow and the sinus/allergy crap goes away. Goodnight!

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